
Our procedures and policies shape our approach to sustainability, as well as external sustainability-related initiatives and regulatory requirements. We strive by committing to voluntary international standards and sustainability-related initiatives.


Our business depends upon our aptitude and capability to create value for our company, our shareholders, communities and all stakeholders while committing with responsibility for the environment, social and economic perspective in which we function. For this we strive to understand the growing environment and to take an integrated approach to identifying, prioritizing and managing sustainability risks and opportunities.


Numerous studies, reporting, assessments and investigations have confirmed that gender equality, sexual harassment, and gender-based violence are very real risks in the mining industry. Mining continues to be a male-dominated industry.We also operate in environments where treatment of women may not always reflect international norms, including the right to equality and non-discrimination. But with-in our company’s capacity we try our level best to eliminate this discrimination and inequality through providing appropriate and safe working environment plus strict policies to follow.


There are a number of factors that drive our peoples’ sense of well-being and therefore their sense of engagement in the workplace. Among the most significant are feeling recognized and valued for work performed, receiving fair pay, and developing skills and knowledge that will facilitate employability for a lifelong career. We work to address these factors through performance feedback, development programs and education opportunities, and through the wages and benefits we provide.

At AA Mining we recognize and reward people for good work and for the contributions they make to the organization. Offers awards to recognize excellence in specific areas that are directly aligned with our priorities. Moreover, the Company promotes Visible Felt Leadership as a way to provide our people with ongoing feedback, coaching, and recognition. We understand that fair and proper recognition drives engagement and strengthens our culture.

At sites, supervisors and non-management individuals participate in a similar performance review process for professional and skilled personnel. People in work crews at our operations have regular assessments driven by key performance indicators, often in a team format. Each of these performance review scenarios provides an opportunity for people at all levels both to be recognized for good performance and to set goals to help improve performance.